Tuesday, January 1, 2008


I’m not really sure how I can describe my high school years. People were mostly apathetic towards me. Some bullied me, others didn't know I existed. I always managed to project a sense of indifference. I never talked much. Only when I really had to but it seems as though I managed to put smiles on people’s faces...just in ways I never really wanted nor intended.

I used to love to blend into the surroundings so as to avoid being noticed. My classmates used to use me as a boredom/stress reliever. Sometimes, when girls are looking over to the boy’s area in break time, guys would make fun of me incessantly. I guess in their mind, by making fun of me, they will look better by comparison. I was surrounded by douchebags! Just standing next to me would do that job. No need to open their mouths and waste their breath!

I remember there was a period in high school where it was very hip and cool to go up to unsuspecting classmates and simply pull there trousers up from below so as to expose their white socks (we had a strict uniform code) which would, in turn, trigger laughter from all the classmates around him. I am not sure who started that trend or how it caught on. I remember this trend went on for more than a year. Even though I was rarely noticed, this trend did affect me as they were always searching for fresh meat. But, fortunately, the trend ended. No one was really sure how it ended but rumor has it that it all ended when one student happened to come to school without socks one day and got his trousers pulled only to find sockless feet.

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